Is India is the country only for “rich”?
There are 49 thousand slums were estimated to be in existence in urban
India , 24% of them were located along nallahs and drains and 12%
along railway lines and about 57% of slums were built on public land,
owned mostly by local bodies, state government, etc.
In 64% of notified slums, a majority of
the dwellings were pucca, the corresponding percentage for the
non-notified ones being 50% and for 95% slums; the major source of
drinking water was either tap or tube well. Only 1% notified and 7%
non-notified slums did not have electricity connection and about 78% of
notified slums and 57% of the non-notified slums had a pucca road
inside the slum.
Youth and children are tool of Indian
future because one third of youths are Indians who can change the
society in the future. India has 420 million kids. That’s more than the
US and UK combined, but in India today, one out of every two children
under 3 years of age is malnourished.
Half of all Indian children are not in
school. India has 420 million kids. That’s more than the US and UK
combined. One in four Indian girls is sexually abused before the age of
4. 52% of girls aged 6-10 are out of school. 48% of boys aged 6-10 are
out of school.
There are thousands and thousands of
children in the slums who have never gone to school and they do not
have any basic training, no proper shelter and no sanitation. More than
40,000 children are reported missing every year.
More than 7o million people don’t have
access to safe drinking water. More than 18 Lakhs people are infected
by tuberculosis (TB) every year. Mainly due to poor sanitation more
than 3 Lakhs children die annually. More than 18% youths commits
suicide every year.
Do we fast progressing nation? In what way? Is this shining India?
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